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About Us

A History of Excellence in Serving Our Patients
Serving our community since 1959, Advanced Care has grown from a single independently owned pharmacy to a multi-disciplinary healthcare network. Focusing on pharmacy, audiology, and home medical equipment, our goal is to bring expert and professional care to all the patients we serve. From the front-line staff that interact with our customers every day to our leadership team, you can trust that you are working with industry experts who have decades of combined experience in the healthcare field.

Our focus is to bridge the gap in healthcare delivery to help improve patient outcomes via:

Patient-centric services
Operational management
Focused strategic initiatives
Healthcare marketplace analytics
If you would like to learn more, get in touch with us. Stop by one of our locations or contact us by phone or our online form!

Awards and Recognition
American Pharmacists Association, Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management Distinguished Achievement Award in Community and Ambulatory Practice, 1996 – Grant H. Brown, Pharm.D.
Michigan Pharmacists Association Innovative Pharmacist Practitioner, 1995 – Grant H. Brown, Pharm.D.
Michigan Pharmacists Association Bowl of Hygeia Award for Outstanding Community Service by a Pharmacist – Grant H. Brown, Pharm.D.
Jackson Magazine Healthcare Angel Award – Bridget A. Stoyk, Pharm.D & Pam S. Rossman, R.Ph.
Jackson Magazine 30 & Under Award, Class of 2017 – Austin P. Brown, Pharm.D.
Veteran's Affair Post Graduate Year Residency Program, Class of 2018 – Erika M. Brown, Pharm.D.